こんしゅうまつの にちようびの3じに、Geddes Hallで すしチャットの イベントが あります。3じからです。みんなで すしを つくって (to make)、たべましょう! (Let's~)
ともだちと いっしょに きて下さいね! (Bring your friends!)
ブログのしゅくだい:due 9/28 げつようび
こんしゅう、Arthur Binard さんの Lectureと よみきかせ (poem reading)が ありましたね。こんしゅうまつの しゅくだいです。
Write a short paragraph about his lecture/poem reading (in English). むずかしい(difficult)から、えいご (English)で かいてくださいね。If you were not at the events, choose your own Japan-related topic.
Write a short paragraph about his lecture/poem reading (in English). むずかしい(difficult)から、えいご (English)で かいてくださいね。If you were not at the events, choose your own Japan-related topic.
ブログのしゅくだい Due 9/21 (げつようび)
1. Read comments on your own blog entries.
Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. If there are questions, respond to the people who commented on your blog. Try to keep the communication going!
2. Comment on three other blogs of students from other sections.
3. Write a new post in にほんご/えいご (optional)
ブログのしゅくだい (Blog HW)...due 9/16 (W)
みなさん、だい3かには たくさん どうし(verb)が あります。
- Please complete the following 1-2 by 9/16 すいようび。
1. Write a short paragraph about your daily routine/typical day in にほんご。
- Use various verbs (present tense affirmative/negative form).
- Use particlew を、に(へ)、で。
2. Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least three).
- Try to write at least one sentence/question in Japanese in your comments.
ならの しか
なら (city near Kyoto/Osaka) に しかが たくさん います。There are many deer in Nara, and they are very polite. :)
ブログのしゅくだい(BLOG HW)...due 9/7 (M)
Please complete the following 1-3 by げつようび(Monday), 9/7.
1. Write a brief じこしょうかい in にほんご.
In higarana(and katakana), please write your self-introduction. Use grammar patterns from Chapter 1-2.
2. Post in えいご.
Introduce a Japanese person/object that you like(song, movie, artist, food, store, place, etc.) You can use pictures and videos too!
3. Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least three). Try to use にほんご in your comment if you can.
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