
ブログのしゅくだい---Due 11/9 げつようび

アメリカのと ちがいますか(different)?
そして、ブログに、みなさんのアメリカのうち(へや)について かいてください。

1)Learn about Japanese houses by
         - checking relevant websites
         - reading your textbook p176-177
         - watching the following Video 

2)Compare American houses and Japanese ones and find similarities and differences
        Think "WHY" (i.e. Typical Japanese houses have at least one rice cooker. "WHY?").

3)Post a blog entry about American houses (rooms) for the Japanese audience. Introduce things in your house/ room, and if possible/ necessary explain why.

4)Use various adjectives, verbs and grammar structures.
Please remember, people from Japan could be checking your blog. Make sure that you introduce unique features of American houses for them.


ブログのしゅくだい:due 11/2 げつようび

きょうは さむい (cold)ですねー。サウスベンドですから、しかたないですね (it cannot be helped)。

1) Read comments on your blog entries. Respond to the people who commented if you like. Try to keep the communication going!

2) Post in Japanese (optional).





ブログのしゅくだい due 10/26 げつようび

みなさんは、あきやすみ(Fall break)に なにをしますか?
ごりょうしんのうちに かえりますか?
りょこう(travel)を しますか? :)

1. Comment on the blogs of your classmates/ほかの大学 (other universities) --- at least on 3 blogs

2. Make a dialogue about にほんのゆうめいなところ(place)/ もの(things)and post it on your blog.

You are chatting with your classmate before your Japanese class starts. You happen to know more about Japan than him/her, and he/she is curious about famous places/things in Japan.
You will write dialogue between you and your classmate.

Please go to Japanese tourism sites, and learn about famous places or things in Japan. Pick two places or things you want to talk about.

Suggested sites:
·      Japan National Tourism Organization
·      Japan Endless Discovery
·      Nipponia  

Pick an actual classmate and imagine the conversation with 
him/her. Through the conversation, please tell him/her about the 
places/things you discovered online.

ダイアログをかきましょう!(let’s write dialogue)
In your dialogue, please make sure to:
☐ Introduce two places or things
☐ Use あります/います
☐ Use adjectives, adjective + noun
☐ Use verbs
☐ Use negative sentences
☐ Use 〜よ/〜ねwhen appropriate.
☐ Use fillers (え〜と、そうですね、あの〜)
☐ Be creative and have fun!


○○さん:にほんに なにが ありますか。


ブログのしゅくだい---Due 10/12 げつようび

こんしゅうまつの ブログのしゅくだいです。

1. Write a paragraph about your hometown in Japanese. 
Include the following:
(1) Your hometown (the town/city) and where it is located
(2) Adjectives (---Try to use both affirmative and negative forms.)

2. Check the comments made on your blog, and respond if you feel necessary.

3. Comment on the blogs of students from ほかのだいがく (other universities) --- you can find their links on the right side. 


ブログのしゅくだい:Due 10/5 げつようび

みなさん、こんしゅうは いそがしい (busy)ですか?
しゅうまつの ブログの しゅくだいです。

1. Gather various Katakana expressions from websites. Write your blog post about your findings in English.

2. Post in Japanese (optional).

3. Read comments on your blog entries. Respond to the people who commented if you like. Try to keep the communication going!


すしチャット! 9/27 にちようび ごご3:00~

こんしゅうまつの にちようびの3じに、Geddes Hallで すしチャットの イベントが あります。3じからです。みんなで すしを つくって (to make)、たべましょう! (Let's~)

ともだちと いっしょに きて下さいね! (Bring your friends!)

ブログのしゅくだい:due 9/28 げつようび

こんしゅう、Arthur Binard さんの Lectureと よみきかせ (poem reading)が ありましたね。こんしゅうまつの しゅくだいです。

Write a short paragraph about his lecture/poem reading (in English). むずかしい(difficult)から、えいご (English)で かいてくださいね。If you were not at the events, choose your own Japan-related topic.


Arthur Binardさん

こんしゅうの げつようびと すいようびに アーサービナードさんのレクチャーが あります。


ブログのしゅくだい Due 9/21 (げつようび)

1. Read comments on your own blog entries.
Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. If there are questions, respond to the people who commented on your blog. Try to keep the communication going!

2. Comment on three other blogs of students from other sections.

3. Write a new post in にほんご/えいご (optional)




JET Program Meeting: 9/16 (W)

こんしゅうの すいようびに JET meetingが あります。きてください!


ブログのしゅくだい (Blog HW)...due 9/16 (W)

みなさん、だい3かには たくさん どうし(verb)が あります。
  • Please complete the following 1-2 by 9/16 すいようび
1. Write a short paragraph about your daily routine/typical day in にほんご
  • Use various verbs (present tense affirmative/negative form).
  • Use particlew を、に(へ)、で。
2. Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least three).
  • Try to write at least one sentence/question in Japanese in your comments.



ならの しか

なら (city near Kyoto/Osaka) に しかが たくさん います。There are many deer in Nara, and they are very polite. :)

ブログのしゅくだい(BLOG HW)...due 9/7 (M)

Please complete the following 1-3 by げつようび(Monday), 9/7.

1. Write a brief じこしょうかい in にほんご.
In higarana(and katakana), please write your self-introduction. Use grammar patterns from Chapter 1-2.

2. Post in えいご.
Introduce a Japanese person/object that you like(song, movie, artist, food, store, place, etc.) You can use pictures and videos too!

3. Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least three). Try to use にほんご in your comment if you can.



Peer Tutoring

Here is the Peer tutors' schedule at CSLC. Please go see them!


You are required to see them at least twice this semester (see our syllabus).

ブログのしゅくだい (Blog HW) & ひらがなビデオ (video)

1) Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least 3).
    Your own blog post (in English/Japanese) : optional
       DUE: Monday, 8/31

2) みなさん、ひらがなのれんしゅう(practice)は どうですか? How is your Hiragana practice going so far? Here is a video showing how to write ひらがな with a calligraphy brush and ink. Hopefully this will give you ideas how to make 'stop' 'release' and 'hook'. Spend your time practicing ひらがな this week & next week!


Blog HW ... due Friday, 8/28

- Post in English
Please write about why you chose to study Japanese, also may include what you are excited about.

- Post sentences in Japanese (optional)

Due: Friday, 8/28




In order to open a new blog account, please follow the instructions.
1. Go to http://www.blogger.com to create your blog.  
  • In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Settings," then "Comments," and choose either "Registered Users" or "Users with Google Accounts" under the "Who can comment?" section.
  • If you want to know how to type Japanese, please click the link listed on the left side.
2. Send your blog address (URL) to Ryoko Yano (ryano@nd.edu).
  • If you have trouble opening a new account, please let the instructor know.
  • If you already have a blog and you can use Japanese on it, you do not have to open a new account.
  • Please include your course section (1 or 2) in your e-mail. 


Let’s start the Blog Project. For this class we would like you to keep a blog because it provides a place:

1. To share/express your happiness, surprise, excitement, and/or frustration, as well as any questions you might have, while learning the Japanese language (or any other topics).
  • While studying new grammar and words is very important when learning a language, it is equally important to actually use the language in a real life context. You must not wait to express yourself only when you think you have mastered the language because language learning is basically an ongoing process. In the beginning you may use English or any languages to express yourself, but we recommend that you gradually switch to Japanese whenever you feel comfortable enough to express yourself in Japanese.
2. To communicate with your classmates and other people outside of class.
  • Language learning is not limited to what you do for the course but also includes what you do and experience outside the class. We will create links to your classmates' blogs as well as blogs by students in other schools, so you can see what other people think and feel about Japanese language learning (as well as other topics). You are also strongly encouraged to leave comments on these blogs.
  • We know that your Japanese language is very limited, but you can convey your intended meaning more effectively by utilizing other resources such as pictures and videos. Remember that people utilize not only language but also other resources such as tone of your voice, music, body language, picture, color, font style and size for communication.
3. To reflect (or evaluate) what you have done so far.
  • Sometimes it is challenging to see our own progress or growth. Blogs help you to look back and see how you have changed through the course of your Japanese language learning.
  • At the end of the semester your blog will be evaluated by the instructor, your classmates, other people, as well as yourself. We will discuss the criteria of evaluation later.